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    Bifender FC FAQ

    What is the rate of Bifender FC per acre?
    The rate range for Bifender FC in-furrow, based on 30” rows is 4.9 - 14.7 fl oz/ac. The most common rate is 6 fl oz/ac. Multiple years of corn on corn and high corn rootworm pressure should use rates at the higher end of the use rate range. It is recommended to review the Bifender FC label for target pests and work with the local Vive Crop Protection Regional Sales Manager and local retailer to determine the best rate.

    Is the rate of Bifender FC the same as Capture® LFR®?
    Bifender FC contains 1.75 lbs/gallon of bifenthrin, while Capture LFR contains 1.5 lbs/gallon. The amount of active ingredient used per acre is the same for both products. For approximate calculations, divide the rate of Capture LFR by 1.15 to get the rate of Bifender FC.

    Do growers need any special equipment to apply Bifender FC?
    Bifender FC is powered by Allosperse®. This means that it is the best-mixing bifenthrin product on the market for mixing with liquid fertilizer and other products. Standard agitation in your liquid fertilizer system will be enough to keep Bifender FC in solution without the need for any additional equipment.

    Can I dump Bifender FC in the tank and mix with anything?
    While Bifender FC doesn’t help other products be compatible, you can be confident that Bifender FC will mix just about anything. Vive has tested well over 200 fertilizer mixing scenarios without any issues. Always complete a jar test to be certain.

    How long does Bifender FC stay in solution vs competitors?
    Because Bifender FC contains Allosperse nano-polymer technology, it mixes better and stays in suspension longer. Compared to the leading fertilizer-compatible bifenthrin product, Bifender FC stays in suspension for nearly 30 hours, while the competitor product falls out of suspension in just six hours.

    Can I tank-mix other chemistry or nutritionals with Bifender FC?
    Yes, other products can be mixed in the tank with Bifender FC. Fungicides and nematicides like AZteroid® FC 3.3 and Averland® FC are great tank-mix partners, along with micronutrients, humic and fulvic acid products, and even biologicals.

    I already have a seed treatment on my corn. Why do I need Bifender FC?
    Seed treatments do not always contain a high enough rate to protect control primary and secondary pests against moderate-severe insect pressure from corn rootworm, wireworm, and grubs. An in-furrow application can improve coverage in the root zone and provide more residual control of yield-robbing pests. In areas with trait-tolerant corn rootworm, an additional in-furrow insecticide treatment is strongly recommended.

    What’s an average yield gain/ROI using Bifender FC in corn?
    On average, compared to untreated, a Bifender FC in-furrow treatment will provide a 12.9 bu/ac yield increase. Based on $4.00/bu and $8.50/ac product cost, that provides an ROI of $43.10/ac.

    Does Bifender FC work better as an in-furrow or foliar treatment?
    It largely depends on the pest being targeted. If corn rootworm, seedcorn maggot, and other soil insects are the primary targets, an in-furrow application works best.

    Corn prices are subject to fluctuation. Bifender FC costs are based on October 2021 MSRP. Retail prices may vary.

    Always read and follow label directions. BIFENDER FC AND CAPTURE LFR ARE RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDES. Capture® and LFR® are registered trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate. Allosperse®, Averland®, AZteroid® and Bifender® are registered trademarks of Vive Crop Protection Inc. 

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